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Members' Corner

Stephen Cropp
Brighton, UK
Amigas owned and currently used:
  1. Amiga A500 - 1meg expansion and extra floppy drive - purchased in 1988
  2. Amiga CD32 - Now dead with SX1 and 4 meg simm and a 124meg 2.5" hard disk, Purchased in 1993/4
  3. Amiga 1200 - Purchased second hand in 96 when my CD32 died, upgraded with a Blizzard 1230mk4 and 16 meg simm, squirrel scsi a Revo CDrom drive, and a Zip drive. in 2001 I tried to rejuvenate it a bit, adding a Z-IV tower, a mediator, and sound and GFX cards and a 68882 FPU, but it was too slow and was not really up to the task any more
How do you use Amigas in your everyday life:
Up until 1998 I used my Amigas for everything! Games, programming, Games, word-processing, Magazines, Games, Simple video editing, Games, drawing, Fidonet, and even a bit of internet. Nowadays, I do most of this on my PC, but never seem to be as much fun. Hopefully with my Amigaone XE G4 running OS4 I will be able to enjoy my computing again!
Five favorite Amiga apps:
  1. Spot - A netmail and echomail reader. Extremely simple interface, but very powerful at the same time. I have not seem a better newsreader or mail tool on any platform. Its a shame it is not really suitable for use with the internet
  2. Cygnus Ed - One of the first things I look for when starting work on a new platform is a decent text editor. CED is great. Its quick and easy to use, and it is very flexible.
  3. Photogenics - I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do enjoy photography, and this package is great for tidying up photos.
  4. Devpac 3 - I can't see myself programming in PPC assembler, but my university projects were a joy to code on my Amiga rather than the 68k SBCs that we were supposed to be using" I will probably be in the market for a decent C++ IDE for my A1XE.
  5. Wordworth 6 - Not the best word processor in the world, but it served me well through University. I suspect I will move over to a decent DTP package in future, Pagestream looked really good when Robert Williams Demoed it at the World of Amiga last year.
Five favorite Amiga games:
[Note: these are five of my favourite games, they are not my five favourite games because that list is way too complicated to compile]
  1. Speedball - The ever amazing Bitmap Brothers game. An absolute classic! The best game ever, especially in two player mode.
  2. Supercars II - Not a good game to play just before a driving
  3. Pong - breakout on its side. Great fun, and freeware!
  4. Tilefall - I still hold this game responsible for my bad coursework marks
  5. XenonII - An excellent shootemup with even better theme tune.

There are no wargames in this list, or adventure games, purely because I
ran out of space! Next time it will have to be a top 50. :)

First Amiga experience:
I cant remember that far back. :) It would almost certainly have been at a friends house in 1987.
Why did you join the club?
Because I want to start enjoying my home computing the way I used to. Coming back to the Amiga has been a dream of mine ever since I was forced to move over to the PC in '98, and joining this club was a small step on the road to making that happen. Its great to see the end in sight now.
I cant wait!
How do you see the future of Amiga:
Hmm. Difficult one this. In the computer industry it is not easy to see more than 6 months into the future, but there are plenty of exciting possibilities on the horizon.
Before the release of OS4 I do not see the Amiga community moving much further on than it is already. While I am looking forward to playing with my A1, I am not really all that interested in another faceless linux box. I want A computer with character.
Once OS4 arrives, the next big milestones will be the arrival of any big software packages in development. When these arrive the community will be able to start growing again.
AmigaDE looks good, and I think is very much under estimated by the Amiga community. The opportunity to distribute highly portable software that is capable of running quickly and efficiently looks very promising.
I am very much looking forward to the Amiga coming out of the wilderness again. I think this year is going to be one to remember.

Dirk "Docki" Dockbreyder
Dinslaken, Germany
Amigas owned and currently used:
Owned: three (A500, A1200, A1200PPC)
Currently used: One (A1200,603e-175/060-50,BVision,Z-VI, X-Surf, OS3.9
How do you use Amigas in your everyday life:
Burn CDs, Internet, E-Mail, Web-Design, Text-Processing and more.
Five favorite Amiga apps:
MakeCD, GoldED, arteffect, AmigaWriter, YAM
Five favorite Amiga games:
Quake, Napalm, T-Zero, Superfrog, WipeOut 2097
First Amiga experience:
1989/1990 (after a C=64)
Why did you join the club:
Why not? :) `cause I`m a Amiga-Fan and so I "must" be in the club
How do you see the future of Amiga:
hmmm. like "Asterix"-Comic (you know it?): The whole world? - No a little community
I think Amiga will be a hobby for freaks and fans. Why should a Win***-user say: yes I will have an Amiga? to go back in the brain Amiga must be everywhere (not only special dealers. Also Big Companys (e.g. MediaMarkt, ProMarkt, Metro in Germany) must sell it, Software must be available everywhere (also in supermarket) and great newspaper (e.g. BILD in Germany) must be write about Amiga. And: Promotion, Promotion, Promotion In every town, in every street, everyone must read the letters: "The Legend continues" and everyone must be know what it mean.

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