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Merry CAMas!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all
From the entire AmigaOS4 Development Team!

"Jingle Bells, PC smells,
What's there for us to play?
Mac's too pretty, Linux's too bitty,
Amiga's on the way."

Merry Christmas to all and here's to the Return of the King - AmigaOS4.0."

fleecy moss
amiga inc

I, Álmos Rajnai as the developer of Petunia JIT 68k emulator just
wanna say to the Amiga people:

"I wish you a really Merry XMas and a much Happier New Year for 2004.
Be prepared, this will be the Year of AmigaOS4! :)"

"Seasons greetings to all." - Martin McKenzie

"Hey, you ! I can see you, sitting right in front of your Amiga. Be it a Classic PPC or a brand new AmigaOne, Santa Jay will bring you a very nice surprise." - Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
"Peace, health and a prosper life for you all!" - Stefan Robl
"Happy 2004, the Year of the Boing!" - David Burström
"Merry XMas, keep the momentum going, keep the disks spinning!" - Andrea Vallinotto
"I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year." - Steffen Haeuser
I'm never any good at writing these kinds of things. Other people always manage to write some masterpiece of witty prose, worthy of a poet, whereas I always end up simply saying "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". But this year, with AmigaOS4 at this important final stage of its development, I've decided to make an extra special effort and come up with something different. So.

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!!

- Matthew Kille / Zeoneo
"Well, if you ask me, I think I better should go on coding for AmigaOS 4 but then this Fleecy came and said » C'mon guys let's write some Christmas Greetings to the community « and probably he wants to hear some Auld-Lang-Syne'ish kind of thing too, but, to be honest, I'm really neither the writing nor the singing type. ;) So, to put it short: Seasons Greetings to ye all!" - Stefan Falke

I've been asked to pass on this Christmas message from someone dear to our hearts:-

"Humbug! And I would have got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
. and it wasn't Santa!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year."

- Martin "Mason" Merz

"Merry Christmas, but it's still 'When it's done'." - Thomas Frieden

A few warm words to all the trolls:

"Merry Christmas, let me lift my glass,
We made OS 4, and you can kiss my <ouch>".

Overheard at the Christmas party

"What? I can't hear you! Something about Christmas?
Hang on, let me turn my Village People double album down." - Mr Schmidt of Bremen
"Does anyone has the International Labour Organisation phone nbr - working over christmas has got to be illegal." - The grumpy elves of OS4Dev
"Why can't we just go back to the command line interpreter?" - Olaf Barthel
"I never said that!!!" - Olaf Barthel (trusted user)
"Damned spoofers!!!" - CAM christmas list moderator
How did I get in here?
Urrggg, don't touch me - I'm melting


I'm watching all of you. I've got my camera. I've got my microphone. I'll get you all in the end!!!

Magnum, P.I.

Best wishes of a blessed Christmas and a fantastic 2004 to the whole Amiga community!

Kind regards,
Massimo Tantignone (tanti@intercom.it)

I'd like to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and also a happy new year, from all the way "down under", where we don't exactly have traditional Christmas weather. Right now it's 90% humidity and 31 degrees C, at 11pm and has been raining continually for 3 days.

So don't expect snow if you come here for Christmas.

Now here's your xmas gift, but there is a catch, the first person who can tell me who wrote the following code fragment, along with their address, gets a free plastic statue of Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter), delivered to their home. (:]

lp = (long *)*((long *)*((long *)*((long *)*((long *)_savsp+2)+1)-3)-3)+107;
if (*lp != cli->cli_Module)


PS: The crocodile gets sent to the author (":o

- Colin Wenzel

"You've been waiting 10 years for OS4, but when it comes, all of your Christmases will have come at once." - Hitman/Code HQ.
"Merry Christmas from down under, and have a Happy New year! A new year which holds the greatest promise for the Amiga in a LONG time. Anyway I'm off to the beach " - Ross

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