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Entry Level Amigans (cont'd)

In essence, with no real home computer available and sensibly marketed in the UK and Europe since 1994, the soul of the European developers had gone. With it went all of the originality that wore out at the beginning of the Playstation era as the final generation of the home computer users took their places in the development community. Without the home computers, more maverick studios and software houses died and/or were swallowed by the companies working on a more production line model of software development or were forced to move.

Even with a few Yaroze users, and those playing with the PS2s programming system there is no way of hobbyist computer users to really play with a machine, and truly learn the way to get the best out of it. The PC isn`t suitable as a real home computer thanks to its over-complexity for no good reason, whilst the cost and lack of custom options in the Mac rules it out too.

At the moment there is no way for a growing mind to tinker with and learn the trade in the software industry in the same way that budding musicians can tinker and learn a musical instrument or budding film makers can get their start from a camera. We need the home computer back.

For the UK and Europe the home computer is a tradition, which should and could really catch on across the globe. The Amiga was and is a perfect platform to go for the niche markets such as video etc., but its also the perfect home computer platform.

Fist poised to fight for solidarity for the future of Amiga!Its time for a successor to the Amiga 500 and the Amiga 1200. A PPC Amiga home computer is possible and incredibly desirable. Based on the development of the AmigaOne thanks primarily to Eyetech and the development of the AmigaOS thanks to Hyperion, a machine can be developed to kick-start the industry once more.

What would such a machine need to be? Marketing of course starts with product development, so what should we develop and what kind of time frame are we talking about?

Those of you reading my articles in MicroMart already know what I am going on about. Let me enlighten you

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