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Hi CAMs,

First I will say that I be happy to have read the 1st Issue of the CAM. So here we are continuing the "Spirit of Amiga". I hope there will be more than one Issue. :-)

Reading it was a pleasure for me. The Words and Images are balsam for a wounded Soul. And be one of the firsts who saw the Campaign Picture is become someone special.

So that's my first impressions, so keep on buddies. Talk about Amiga, show your machines on local computer meetings or Hard- & Software Markets (Places were you can buy computer stuff for cheap Prices). After AOS4 and the AmigaOne appears our World will hopefully be brighter, because the clouds of sadness disappeared.

Best regards
mit freundlichem Gruß
Thomas Nosutta
BAU02 = http://www.amigalive.de


I would like to give some feedback about the purposed marketing strategy. Being an Amiga user since 1989, I had the opportunity to live the glory of Amiga and also see its decay. Unfortunately, marketing, I believe, was one of problems that made Amiga loss its position. It would be important to learn from the past in order to no repeat the same mistakes. The focus of the marketing campaign should be creating demand for the product. The Amiga has the advantage of having at least a loyal community, where normal unknown products usually have no support at all. Of course thinking in supply the product just to a narrow community shouldn't be the target of Amiga Inc. But Amiga Inc. could increase Amiga's existence in the market through this community.

I think an important issue should be considered to bring back those people who in the past had contributed to the Amiga and had left a mark. I'm talking not only people dedicated to program software, but those who created Amiga icons and music as well. This is no an easy task and could be risky, but it is important to remember that no risk no win.

Probably the idea of being a computer user out of the common, where the user has the control of what its doing, and not just a 'lemming' following order from the screen about what to do. The Amiga thought me how computer works and probably that is the main reason I have experienced frustrating attempts to shift to a different platforms.

I believe there is an opportunity for Amiga to fit in, but is going to be hard. I wish you guys the best of luck.

Thanks for the opportunity to give this feedback.


Don't forget to send your letters to mailto:cam@amiga.com?subject=Letters.

Rumor Doomer (R.D.)

In the April issue of Club Amiga Magazine, we will begin to squash rumors and "fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD). If you have a rumor or a piece of FUD that you would like us to address, e-mail us at mailto:cam@amiga.com?subject=Rumor Doomer with the subject "Rumor Doomer."

Here's a preview to start things off:

R. I've heard that the "Roadshow" TCP/IP stack for AmigaOS4 will only be an evaluation version and that users will have to pay to get a full version stack. Is this true??
D. No, a full version of Roadshow will be included with AmigaOS4 Separate stand-alone 68K version may be sold later on (Olaf Barthel asked for this option) but that's where it ends.

That's all for this time. See you all in the next issue of Club Amiga Monthly!

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