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Members' Corner

Tony Wyatt
Sydney, Australia
Amigas owned and currently used:
I have an AmigaOne that is sitting here doing very little. I also have a 4000D that I towered some time ago. The 4000 is my daily workhorse. These days it runs 68k OS4 (I am a betatester), but I hope to put it back to OS3.9 soon when OS4 is available for the AmigaOne.
How do you use Amigas in your everyday life:
email, browsing, photo scanning, sound recording, not into video yet (not enough time).
Five favorite Amiga apps:
IBrowse, YAM, SAS/C, RC-FTPd, DOpus.
Five favorite Amiga games:
Not a great games player, but I play RPGs when I'm bored.
First Amiga experience:
Long story. I was the "digital engineer" expert at the TV station where I worked back around 1980. All the "analogue" people looked up to me as the expert and expected me to set the standard for the sort of computer we all should buy. Well, for once I made the right choice and settled on the C64. Some years later, my assistant left work (after a heart attack) and bought a computer shop selling Commodore equipment. One night he appeared on my doorstep with an Amiga 1000 in his arms. "Here, Tony," he said, "this will knock your socks off! I'll just leave it with you. Give it back next week or pay me for it. Of course, he was quite right, I paid him for it and I was hooked.
Why did you join the club?
To assist with the rebirth, I guess. Every little bit helps
How do you see the future of Amiga:
Well, I'm a pessimist. I see Amiga remaining as a niche market for enthusiasts and fringe-dwellers. I can't see Eyetech, Hyperion or Amiga Inc making money out of a desktop. On the other hand, if Fleecy's visions come to fruition, things might be different.

Claudio Marro Filosa
Rome, Italy
Amigas owned and currently used:
Amiga 4000
How do you use Amigas in your everyday life:
Web, games, Wordprocessing etc.
Five favorite Amiga apps:
Yam, fxPaint, GoldED Studio, Tornado3D, DirectoryOPUS
Five favorite Amiga games:
OnEscape, Quake, Quake II, Payback, Bubble Heroes
First Amiga experience:
Amiga 500 with kickstart 1.3
Why did you join the club:
Because i am an Amiga fan
How do you see the future of Amiga:
AmigaOS4 PPC on AmigaONE and more support for application and games on new AmigaOS!

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